What can I post in the free section of sjdsNOW?
Posting of church charities,
community events/news, want ads and links to your site.If you have no site just post a telephone or email. All contacts
are thru you not sjdsNOW. No real estate, lotes or properties are advertised in the want ads.
How do I post to sjdsNOW?
It's easy, just send me a
email to webmaster; sjdsNOW@yahoo.com. Please include your questions or information you wish posted. Also include
all contact information such as a telephone number or an email address. SjdsNOW does not answer or forward responses to your
posts, unless you have a full page ad. Try to limit your posts to 20 words or less in your want ads. News/community/
church events are not limited in text postings.
What are the "free" and "fee based" sections?
The free section includes posting links on the home page and the want ads.
Community events/news, church charities, sporting events and government bulletins are posted for free in the want ads section
or on "the Buzz" page, if priority is neccessary.
The fee based section are prime location spots on the home page, and
on specially linked advertisemnt full pages. Photos in the want ads section are charged as well.
Can I post pictures or photos of stuff I want to sell in the
free section of sjdsNOW?
No, our
site has limited storage, and pictures/photos are allowed in the fee based section.
How much are the fees for posting pictures?
are charged by the pixel size, for example a 1x1 inch photo is $20 per month of advertising. Larger pictures can be accomodated
at $40 per month. Logo's for websites are reviewed on a case by case payment.
I don't have a web page to sell my house or property,
what can sjdsNOW do for me?
For a fixed fee of $150, sjdsNOW will host a web page for
you. This fee includes a professional webmaster and germain services to accomodate your objective. Web page is
limited to six pictures and a term * of six months in this agreement. Together we will sit down and design, place text
and pictures on your dedicated web page.
*SjdsNOW does not promote your web page or guarantee sales during this peiord of term.
